Ashley's Apples!

Daily dose of cheer and happiness!

My Dream Dog

on February 13, 2014


My dream dog would be a mix of a small little Maltese and a Yorkshire terrier. It would be a tricolor of black, tan, and lightship brown with cute curly fur and little point years and big big brown beady eyes that when you look into its eyes you just want to melt its so cute. It would be a fun, energetic dog that loves to play outside and go on walks and never had accidents inside the house. It would always at night jump up on my bed and fall asleep on my feet and get afraid and whimper during rainstorms or thunderstorms. It would love to ride in the back of the car and stick its head out the window and it would follow me wherever I go and sometimes try to get on the bus with me and then jump on me the minute I walked through the front door when I get home from school. It would love to come snuggle with me and always watch tv with me. This dog would be a huge part of my life.

One Response to “My Dream Dog”

  1. Mrs. Bridges says:

    My dream dog would not shed it’s fur!

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