Ashley's Apples!

Daily dose of cheer and happiness!

Reflections: Seventh Grade

When I first arrived in August, I expected chaos. I thought all the 8th graders would beat me up and make
fun of me but at least I had something to be proud about… I was co-captain of the WRMS cheerleading squad. I was so excited when I found out but I’m not here to talk about that.
But I soon realized that there was peace I school. I mean the 8th graders never beat me up or made fun of me and I was still co-captain so all was good in my school life.
By October, my life had settled down and I was finally getting comfortable with my teachers and my schedule and I had already made a lot of new friends! I started feeling a lot more confidant about the year and about knowing my way around the 7th grade hallways.
Eventually, I figured out that 7th grade wasn’t so bad I mean besides all the homework and cheer after school everyday, it wasn’t really all that bad when I got used to it. I mean everybody says 7th grade is the worse of all grades but personally I think that it’s actually pretty easy if you do all of your homework and turn it in on time.
In seventh grade I learned….
•There are consequences to your actions
•And how to have fun while still being good and doing your homework
As the year comes to a close I am excited and yet very scared to go into the eighth grade. I am excited to get to do more sports next year and the explore more things in life and move on with my life getting closer to going to high school.
If I had to do it over again, I would do it all the same.
My advice to next years seventh grader is
•Always bring all your supplies to all classes
•If your teachers tells you you can, then bring a snack to third period because you will be very hungry by then
•Always do your homework especially major grades because they will hurt you a lot if you don’t do them.
Good luck to all incoming seventh graders!!

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Cheer Poem

Cheerleading is a way of life, shared by a chosen few,
It is working as a unit in everything you do.
Cheerleading is rivalry, the competition makes you strong,
It is sharing secrets and tears, learning to get along.
Cheerleading is that on-going drive to be the very best,
It is patience, perseverance, and very little rest.
Cheerleading is having poise and charm with every word you say,
It is total dedication twenty-four hours a day.
It is always being ready with encouragement or a smile,
Cheerleading is your chance to express your individual style.
Cheerleading is reaching out to comfort a sister who is sad,
It is defending each other in the good times and the bad.
Cheerleaders are always there whenever someone asks,
They treasure the present moment and let go of the past.
Cheerleading is a talent to be able to shine on cue,
It is hiding the pain and anguish that if people only knew.
Cheerleaders, after all, are real people that sometimes feel down,
but when they’re in the spotlight, they must never wear a frown.
Cheerleaders are actresses, always ready to go,
That is why it is important for all the world to know.
Not every girl can be a cheerleader, it takes a special kind,
Cheerleaders are full of life and a little bit out of their mind!
I finally learned what life is all about.
– Sarah

I like this poem because well it talks about my favorite thing in the whole world…. Cheer! See when people thing of cheer they think of girls with Pom Poms but cheer is more than that! It’s hardwork, dedication, commitment and a whole lot of effort and strength. Cheer is lifting girls who are bigger, smaller, or the same size as you in the air. It’s being able to memorize a 2 1/2 minute routine with combinations of stunts, jumps,tumbling, pyramids, and dancing and being able to perform under pressure in front of huge crowds and have facials. It’s also being to tolerate 5 cans of hairspray in your hair (exaggeration). Also being bake to pull out all the bobby jones that you out in your hair to keep it up. That’s the real definition of cheer… Not just shaking Pom Poms around. I really like how this talks about the real meaning and thought of that and what goes through a cheerleaders’ mind on a daily basis.

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